After doing what seems like endless amounts of dishes in culinary school, I am exhausted. I want to:
1. Get away from my classmates who decided to be lazy and did nothing but watch some of us do all the dishes
2. Sit down and never get up
3. Vegetate and distract myself with fun things (eating anyone?)
When I got to accomplish all these activities, I was in a much better mood. I met my friend and decided to try a decadent and giant pizza at artichoke. Artichoke Pizza has an old New Yorker appeal, but with a gourmet sophisticated touch. It is simply a storefront, no tables, just a counter, where you order your pizza or slice and huddle on the sidewalk (no matter if it is a cold winter night.) The ceiling is an art decoWe ordered a whole pizza (for two-quite ambitious seeing as though they serve one size 18 inches.), the artichoke and spinach.
Artichoke Pizza
328 E. 14th street
NY, NY 10003
Very very delicious looking pizza, make my mouth water.
tasty, but not cheap however!
I looooove Artichoke!!
Max, pretty cheap considering the size, unless they've changed the price since I went.
I agree with Jessica, buying a giant pizza (they only come in one size) was way tooo much for two people. All I needed was a slice. That pizza could at least serve 4.
Oh those damn dishes! I used to have fun at the dish station in cooking school though.. we would play baseball with rolling pins as bats, chinois as helmets and .. err ... eggs as baseballs. I was young and dumb.. :-)
Never went to Artichoke pizza but I was at Arturo's a few days ago... love the coal oven pizzas.. yum! I'm putting Artichoke on my list of places to try.
Mmm that looks amazing! I love the drip of cheese too and your description is making me crave this at 9.24 in the morning! :P
you have a restaurant near you named artichoke?! i love that! this pizza looks so good!!
I have been meaning to try Arturo's. I have heard good things.
Lorraine: that is how I feel all the time reading food blogs, craving for something I don't have.
Heather: In NYC, any restaurant name you can think, we probably have it. Maybe I should do a post on strange and bizarre restaurant names.
I've passed this place a few times and have been meaning to try it out... good thing I now know to bring a family!
wow... look at those melted cheese... yum... :)
come on--how am i supposed to deal with that mound of cheese oozing over the edge? i'm at work here, and drool is completely inappropriate. :)
Wow! Hard apple cider pairing sounds amazing. Great idea.
Wow, that looks decadent! I love the oozy filling (I'm usually a crispy, thin and minimalistic fan) but I don't think I could eat very much more than a slice.
Dee: I love thin crust minimalist. This was definitely out of the ordinary. A nice treat, but not a weekly pizza by any means. I love Pizetta 211 in SF, crispy, farm house and delicious.
Hey Abby! I love your blog - I feel like we were cut from the same mold. You should check out and sign up to be a featured publisher. I'm looking forward to a weekend free of numbers 1, 2 and 3 three in your post. and lots of sitting. We made cassoulet today - I am dedicating this weekend to vegetables not poached in butter. also, I added you to my blogroll!
CASSOULET is amazing. I actually made duck confit, just to try this weekend. Duck fat is a good thing, just a not soo good thing for your body. I am glad to have met you Emily and I look forward to reading your blog.
I have been meaning to get to Artichoke! Looks great. Went to Arturo's recently after not having gone for a year or two and was kind of dissapointed...I feel like it's gone downhill! (Arturo lovers, don't kill me!) Where are you going to culinary school?
Megan: I haven't tried Arturo, but maybe I shouldn't. I currently attend Institute of Culinary Education, but it is a decent commute from Kensington Brooklyn.
Interesting post
One question:
You say you don't like your classmates. Have you ever considered cooking them a poison-laced dish? If so, do you have a simple, delicious and toxic recipe for the murderous home cook?
While that sounds good in theory. I think it would be best to give them a taste of their own medicine. Now if I could just find the perfect mix.
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