Jasmine Pearl Tea
Jasmine pearl is a fragrant but light green tea. Each grey/green leaf is left in tact, and rolled into a little ball, looking like a cocoon of a moth. Actually it is supposed to look like little pearls. In hot water, the leaves unwind from their ball and release their full aroma. This tea is a perfect afternoon treat, mellow, perfumed and sweet.
These tea leaves are plucked from the Fuding Da Bai Cha plant, processed like green tea and then scented with jasmine flower. They are hand rolled into pearls. For that reason, this tea is a bit pricier but worth it.
I purchased my tea at the Imperial Tea Court at the Ferry Building in San Francisco. You can also purchase it online at many websites.
Whole Foods Organic Seeduction Bread
Maybe this could be a great Valentine’s day loaf? I mean the bread is called “seeduction.” But I have my own theory. Once you get one bite, you will become seduced by all the seeds and you won’t be able to stop. Good, since its chock full of seeds and whole wheat.
Did you know birds don’t really have a sense of taste, they like the tactile experience of food, that is why they like crunchy things, like seeds. I am not saying this loaf would be good for a bird, but to be honest, it does have a lot of the same seeds you might feed to one: millet, poppy seeds, sunflower seeds.
This is definitely a bread for the seed lover, if not, you might be surprised that you were (again not trying to say you are a bird.) It is nutty, dense but not too dense, makes you feel a bit healthier , and has a subtle sweetness.
What it taste great with: honey and bananas, farmers cheese with fresh herbs, shallots, a little olive oil and vinegar, or some high quality butter.
Want to try to make this loaf yourself: check out this recipe.
Pickled Eggs
Who would have thought this southern specialty (and an English bar food) would be so immensely delicious. These pickled eggs are pickled with beet juice (the water the beets were cooked in), apple cider vinegar, sugar, salt, bay leaves, thyme, onions and garlic. The hard boiled eggs taste pre-seasoned, and with their unusual color it make them an oddity that would be the talk of your next party. Or you can make some for your acidic hungry boyfriend ( like I did.)
Check out this pickled egg chow hound post to get inspired to make your own:
although they're purty, i don't think pickled eggs are my thing. that bread, though--i'll take some of that, and then i'll take a little bit more! :)
Pickle eggs sound so delicious, never tried this. I think I must. Beautiful color too (I'm a visual person).
Pickled eggs are one of those things that is pure and simple a like or dislike. They are very interesting to say the least.
The pickled eggs are so pretty and colored naturally! Love that!
mmm. i love jasmine tea pearls. so delicious. i've never tried pickled eggs, but i've never met a hard boiled egg i didn't like, so i should try it!
I am with you on the seeduction bread from WF. I first heard about it over at Erin Cooks and we tried it; very good.
Never tried pickled eggs, but they doo look good.
I love WF's seeduction bread, too. It is so perfectly seedy and scrumptious. For a different sort of scrumptious-ness, I sometimes get this great organic spelt bread at the Union Sq market...if only I could think of which place it is at, I would tell you...
Anyways, it was great to here about some of your favorite things. Keep 'em coming!
Sara: Actually I forgot about how delicious the green market bread is. You were the one who introduced me to it. I recommend that everyone reading should try it. I forgot the vendor but I know it when I see it.
And here I just thought birds like seeds because they're full of fat and protein. :P
Heather: I think that is a pretty good reason, didn't think of that. Good to know!
Jasmine pearl tea sounds good. I will have to keep an eye out for some.
I am not sure about pickled eggs but the seduction bread is calling my name.
I love shopping at the Ferry Building when I am in SF, I will be there next month. YAY. I have some nice teas that I received as a gift, you are reminding me to give them a try. And I love that photo of the egg! I'm all about beets this week, I definitely need to made those.
Lori Lynn: super excited you are going to the Ferry Building. The farmers and the inside stalls are great. I have been really into beets as well.
These pickled eggs look so cool! I would never be able to eat them, just goof around with them. :-)
Jasmine tea i love, there's a great store on Grand street which has an incredible variety.
I love love LOVE seedy breads, so I'm definitely checking out that recipe. Sounds amazing!
I am always looking for great bread recipes this one look just delightful. thanks for shareing
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